How To Use a Matte Clay Pomade

How To Use a Matte Clay Pomade

December 02, 2017


When used correctly, this Matte Clay Pomade will be the most versatile pomade in your arsenal. It's easy to scoop & apply, helps you maintain volume & texture, and keeps your hair soft and healthy unlike store bough pastes and clays that dry out and damage your hair.

By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to confidently use the Matte Clay Pomade to get the look you want. Styling your hair daily won't seem so intimidating, and you'll be in control of your hair instead of letting it control you.

Step One: Get A Good Haircut

Starting with a haircut that fits your lifestyle and head shape is half of the battle against unruly hair that has a mind of its own. Book an appointment with one of our Master Barbers to take care of this step.

Step Two: Use A Blow Dryer

Hair stays where it dries. By using a blow dryer to take your hair from wet to dry, you're commanding it to stay where you want it and you're sealing the cuticle, making it a breeze to work with. To fully seal the cuticle, use the "cool" setting at the end once your hair is dry.

Starting on the sides and moving to the top, use the blow dryer to smooth, shape, and direct your hair. Most people don't know this, but you can do 75% of the work with the blow dryer just by spending 5 minutes smoothing and shaping the hair. If you let it do the work for you, the Clay will do the rest and keep your hair where you want it.



Step Three: Scoop & Emulsify

Scoop small amounts of Clay from the jar and emulsify it between your palms until its a smooth, even coat. Emulsifying the clay thoroughly in your hands is how you avoid having uneven distribution in your hair.

Step Four: Spread Evenly

Lightly apply the Clay to your hair, making sure you distribute the Clay evenly. Go against the direction your hair lays to get a tackier hold by coating the underside of the hair. For a dry, matte look, use less Clay while still ensuring your hair is lightly coated. For a groomed, polished look, add more Clay until you've achieved the amount of shine you're going for.

Step Five: Finish The Look

Use a comb to get an even, smooth look or use your hands to have a rougher, textured look. Since the Clay is not water or alcohol-based, you can restyle at any point throughout your day. 

Buy a jar a Matte Clay Pomade here!

Matte Clay Pomade - Textured Look


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