Trey - Barber in Florence, SC

Staff Interview: Meet Trey Witt

October 11, 2019 1 Comment

Trey got started with us in the 2nd week of October in the Florence Barbershop and we can't wait for you to meet him if you haven't! We like to do new staff introductions to get everyone acquainted so here's our interview with Trey.
1. What is your favorite product to use when styling your client’s hair?
I'm really in love with the Matte Clay it's a very versatile look for anyone. Salt sprays. I can't say enough about the usage of salt spray. 
2. How long have you been doing hair?
A little over a year now. The overwhelming amount of support that comes from everyone in all parts of the profession has been so inspiring. People have been more than willing to offer advice, criticism, love, and support. I feel so welcome. 
3. What’s your favorite thing about cutting/doing someone’s hair?
For me, it's one of those instant gratification things like pressure washing or vacuuming. Watching a blend come together and seeing someone's face after they are all cleaned up is an amazing feeling. 
4. What is a new trend or style you see developing?
I'm doing more and more low maintenance, "whatever" cuts. A lot of my clients are in kitchens or factories etc. and want a cut that they don't have to do a lot of maintenance with but can throw some product in and look fresh for any occasion. 
Best Barbershop in Florence
5. What’s your favorite style to create?
I'm still a sucker for those dapper looks. That nice skin fade comb over is always a classy look to me. 
6. What’s something your clients may not know about you that you’d like to share?
I may or may not accept Legos as payment. 
7. If you were a type of beer, what brew would you be and why?
A spicy ginger beer. I don't drink or smoke so there's that. 
8. What makes you feel fully alive? A hobby, a moment? Maybe you have a memory of a time you felt that way. Maybe it’s a mood.
My wife and I have the gift of hospitality and we love having a full house and feeding everyone. Sundays are for family dinner. It's the perfect way to end and start the week at the same time. 
9. What’s your spirit animal?
A Werewolf
10. Where are you from?
386 Lake City, Florida. It's not palm trees, beaches and Disney like most people picture when I say I'm from Florida. It's just like here. Florida needs to be divided into 2 states North and South with Ocala being the dividing line. That's where it starts becoming what most people think Florida is. 
11. What’s one thing you’re looking forward to in 2020?
A little more Freedom. Time to spend with my wife and family. 
12. If we looked at your iTunes frequently played playlist, which songs would be in your top 5?
Well, I'm an Android guy so I use Spotify. 
Race Riot 59 - Wolves Among Men
Sinking Ships -  Ghost Story
The Suicide File - I Hate You
The Bruisers - Till The End
Have Heart - Bostons
Book an appointment with Trey Today!

1 Response

Trevor Witt
Trevor Witt

December 09, 2019

Do you have a mullet perm combo?

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